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Mario z Coimbry wspomina swoją polska przygodę w ramach programu Erasmus+

Data publikacji: 13 stycznia 2020

Upłynął prawie miesiąc od zakończenia praktyk na kierunku Pielęgniarstwo przez naszych portugalskich studentów z Nursing School of Coimbra w PWSZ w Gnieźnie. Oto jak wspomina swoją polska przygodę w ramach programu Erasmus + Mario:

My name is Mário and I’m a nursing student from Portugal. I had the privilege of doing an internship in Gniezno for two months and it was an amazing experience.

Going on Erasmus provided me with the opportunity of knowing a different culture in a foreign country that I always wanted to visit.

During my internships I had the opportunity to get to know the reality of health care in Gniezno and to observe the differences from Poland and my country, to learn several new things and start looking at things from a different perspective.

During weekends I visited new cities, tried new food, met lots of wonderful people and made me realize how big and amazing the world we live in is. Going aboard for so long might sound hard but the time went past so fast that, went I noticed it, was already ending.

People told me that going on Erasmus was an amazing experience, I followed their advice and it was indeed amazing. Pick a place where you would like to go and go on this fantastic adventure, you won’t regret it!